Take Control of Your Income & Expenses

Take control of your Monthly Income & Expense before creditors or finance companies ask you to put it down on paper. This can be done by having a budget. In order to be able to properly budget, it is essential that you know how much money you earn or bring in every budget period (monthly, quarterly, semi-annual or annually).

To determine this keep track of every dollar that comes into your possession. Count your paychecks and any other regular money you expect to get consistently. This includes any rent from income properties, side gigs, pensions and every other dollar that hits your bank account, wallet or purse.

As painful as it may be, tracking every penny spent is essential to understanding what you are spending. I suggest you began a monthly budget. To get this done, you will need to do whatever works best for you. My husband and I, ask for a receipt for every purchase made and put it in our wallets. When we get home I empty the receipts on my dresser in the bedroom. Then every few days I will record them in my check register and in my budget. I suggest in your budget you have a line for estimate amount to spend and the actual amount spent. This will allow you to see what areas you need to improve within your budget.